Public Announcement
I am Denis V. Matvienko, who is ballet dancer and the Honored Artist of Ukraine, herewith declare to the public and all interested parties that since January 2020 I have not been taking any part in the show ballet "The Great Gatsby" (hereinafter - Ballet)
Not so long time ago, I became aware that the Ballet is holding an international tour and is using my name and image illegally without consent, and false information about me
Also, I additionally inform that since January 2020
I have neither been the artistic director of the Ballet, nor the dancer of the Ballet
I have not been responsible for the quality of the performance of the Ballet staff, the direction of the Ballet, the use of original costumes, music, backdrop, etc
I have not taken part in the marketing activities of the Ballet, advertising, coordination of poster texts, etc
I have not been the member (employee, counterparty) of the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre
The necessary claims to stop the violation of my rights have been sent to the owners and heads of the Ballet, the replies to which have still been awaited...

Spanish National Dance Company welcomes six Ukrainian dancers
Six dancers from the National Opera of Ukraine will be able to continue their careers at Spain’s National Dance Company (CND), which welcomed themon Wednesday, EURACTIV’s partner EFE reported.
Kateryna Chupina, Yelyzaveta Semenenko, Anastasiia Hurska, Aleksandra Berozkyna, Anastasiia Kovalevsk and Marina Lastovyn’s careers came to an abrupt halt on 24 February, when Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EFE reported.
A little over two weeks later, with the help of a famous Ukrainian dance couple, Anastasia and Denis Matvienko,the young dancers were able to escape Kyiv and were accepted into the CND’s Emerging Talent Programme. Before the war, the National Opera of Ukraine had a team of 160 dancers from various countries,including Slovenia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
Extraordinary dancers will dance for Ukraine in Naples and Milan
The Naples gala, Ballet for Peace, at the glorious San Carlo Theatre in Napoles has been organised by Alessio Carbone, former Premier Danseur with the Paris Opera Ballet.
Some of the dance names that have been making headlines recently will dance for Ukraine in two upcoming galas in Italy: Olga Smirnova, Victor Caixeta, Jacopo Tissi, Iana Salenko, Anastasia Matvienko and Denis Matvienko.
A generous roster of names includes Maria Kochetkova, Alina Cojocaru, Johan Kobborg, Liudmila Konovalova and many others.
Ukrainian, Russian ballerinas dance together in benefit performance
A sold-out benefit performance in Naples is set to bring a Ukrainian ballerina who fled her homeland and a Russian ballerina, formerly of the Bolshio Ballet, to the same stage to raise funds for the Red Cross and promote the peace cause in besieged Ukraine.
Naples’ San Carlo Theater billed the event “Stand with Ukraine: Ballet for Peace.” Despite that description, the prospect of Russian dancers dancing on the same stage with Ukrainians reportedly angered Ukraine’s consul in Naples. The Italian daily La Repubblica quoted the consul as telling fellow Ukrainians in the southern Italian city to shun the performance.
METRO UK - Russian and Ukrainian ballerinas join forces to raise money for the Red Cross
The sold-out ‘Stand with Ukraine — Ballet for Peace’ benefit took place in Naples’ San Carlo Theatre, on Monday. The night included performances from more than twenty international dancers.
Anastasia said: "To do little things, the smallest things, what we can do for Ukraine. This is the main goal for all of us. That’s why we are here, that’s why we are dancing tonight".
Anastasia said her performance was just one way to help her country.
"My life is upside down now, and I’ve never been in Italy in this city, and I’ve never danced with stars like today, with world ballet stars, and I am so excited about it, she said. I don’t know why this happened to me. I am really happy I am here and I can help and support my country with my dancing today".